Sabtu, 24 November 2012

simple present tense


Simple present tense is used to express habits, general truths, repeated action or unchanging situation, emotion, and wishes. 

Verbal Sentence’s
Nominal Sentence’s
(+) S + V 1 s/es + Object ( O)
(-) S + do not/ does not + V1 + O
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O
(+) S + To be ( am, is, are)+ KB/KS/KK/KD
(-) S + To be+ not + KB/KS/KK/KD
(?) To be+ S + KB/KS/KK/KD
(+) He takes the bag.
(-) He doesn’t take the bag.
(?) Does he take the bag ?

Example :
(+) They are teachers in my school.
(-) They aren’t teachers in my school
(?) Are they teachers in my school ?


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