Sabtu, 24 November 2012

Materi greeting,introducing and leave taking

Materi greeting,introducing and leave taking
Study the following expressions of greetings, introducing, meeting
and parting.
·                     Good morning.
·                     Good afternoon.
·                     Good evening.
·                     How nice to see you
·                     Hello. 
·                     How are you?
·                     How do you do?
·                     How're you doing?
·                     Hi!

·                     Good morning.
·                     Good afternoon.
·                     Good evening.
·                     Yes, it's been so nice.
·                     Hello.
·                     Fine, thanks.
·                     How do you do?
·                     Not bad.
·                     Hi!

Formal Greeting
Informal Greeting.
• Good morning. 
• Good afternoon.
• Good evening.
• Good morning, sir.
• Hi, Lizzy!
• Morning, Jim!
• Hello

Initial Greetings
Responding to Initial Greetings
• How are you?
• How’s it going?
• How are you doing?
• How’s life?
• Very well, thank you and how are you?
• I’m good/okay/alright.
• Very well, thank you.
• Oh, pretty good.
• Not too bad, thanks.
• Fine, thanks.
• Excellent.
• OK then…
• I’ve got to go now.
• So, I’ll see you next week.
• I think I’d better be going now.
• Well, it’s time for me to leave.
• I think it’s already late at night.
• I must be going home.

• Good night.
• Goodbye.
• See you later.
• Bye.

• Good night
• Goodbye.
• See you.
• Bye.

Introducing yourself
• First let me introduce
• My name is ....
• Allow me to introduce my self.
• I'm ...
• Excuse me my name's ...
• How do you do? My  name is ....
• Hi! I'm ...
• Hello! My name is ...
• Good morning. My name's ...

Introducing someone
• I would like to introduce you to ....
• Let me introduce you to ...
• Allow me to introduce ....
• I'd like you to meet ...
• Do you know ...
• Sarah, this is Bona my daughter. Bona, this is Sarah my classmate

·         Good bye
·         See you
·         See you later
·         See you soon
·         See you tonight
·         Good night
·         Bye bye
·         Take care
·         Fine
·         Ok
·         All right
·         Good night

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