Sabtu, 24 November 2012



1.      The Definition of Appointment 
Appointment is a kind of expression which is used to conduct an appointment.
2.      Expressions We Can Use to Make and Accept an Appointment
Here are some expressions we can use to make and accept an appointment.
Making an Appointment
Accepting an Appointment

1)     Will you pick me up at ….? (example: tomorrow afternoon 3pm.)
2)     What if we go ….? (examples: cycling on car free day next Sunday, playing badminton this afternoon)
3)     Will you go out with me ….? (example: tonight)
4)     I’ll go to …. (example: your house at 2 p.m.). It’s all right?
5)     I’d like to make an appointment with …. (examples: you, him, her)
6)     I want to make an appointment to see …. (examples: my private teacher)
7)     I’d like you to come and see me.
8)     Can we meet at …. (examples: garden park, school hall)
9)     Can I come and see you?
10)   What about …. (example: tomorrow night at 7 p.m.)

1)     Okay. I’ll be there on time.
2)     No problem. I’m free …. (examples: on Sunday, at that day, at that time)
3)     Sure, I love it.
4)     Good idea.
5)     Definitely!
6)     All right, see you there.
7)     It is a deal.
8)     Sure.
9)     Why not?
10) Okay
3.      Expressions We Can Use to Cancel an Appointment
Here are some expressions we can use to cancel an appointment.

Cancel an Appointment
1)     I’m sorry. I can’t meet you today. I have to accompany my mother to visit my grandma. Can we reschedule?
2)     We’re terribly sorry we have to cancel our appointment. Mrs. Kayana’s flight is delayed for three hours.
3)     I’m afraid I have to put off put appointment because I have an urgent business to do.
4)     Sorry. I can’t meet you this weekend since I have another appointment.
5)     Sorry, I can’t meet you tomorrow. I’m busy at that day.

Hello, Bella

hello. With whom i’m talking?
This is Zea, I’m so sorry but I can’t going to cinemas tonight with you. Can we reschedulle it?

Ok, never mind. How on Friday?
Ok. Thank you Bella

You are welcome Zea.

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